“Teenage Autumn” Edison (Lumi Pollack) lives in New York with his father
After several years spent in New York, 14-year-old Autumn returns to the Amazon rainforest to save her childhood village and her beloved jaguar friend. A spiritual remake of “Mia and Biggie Love” (2018), a previous film by Gilles de Mestre.. They left their home in the Amazon jungle and their tribe after the murder of her activist mother 8 years ago.
Her father hid letters from her tribal relatives
Lumberjacks, poachers and others destroy the land around them. As a child, Autumn made friends with a jaguar she named Hope. There is only one jaguar left in this area, which is endlessly hunted.
It reminds me of many of those old Disney movies with unrealistic characters, unrealistic situations and unrealistic animals
Otem is afraid that it is Hope, and runs out of the house in a desperate attempt to save his friend. She is followed by her science teacher Anya (Emily Bett Rickards), suffering from agoraphobia, who tries to protect her student, despite the fact that she herself is completely unhappy. At least the heart of this game is correct, and some of the jungle locations are simply stunning.
It is intended for comedic relief
As for unrealistic characters, I am more repulsed by the attempt to create a Disney princess. It’s funny that they float on the river, like in the cartoon. In fact, I have no problems with Anya.
The situation with Amazon is, to put it mildly, a bit simplified
The film is good and enjoyable, but the fakeness overshadows the best parts.